Our First Survey Results!

thank you for your feedback survey results

Every now and again, we are reminded of just how wonderful and amazing our readers are, and the last few weeks have definitely been packed with such reminders–in part thanks to your, yes, wonderful feedback via our online survey! We asked, you answered, and now it’s time for us to listen.

So, what can you look for in the coming weeks?

√ First off, you’ll be seeing more focused content.

Several of our reviewers pointed out (very nicely, as a matter of fact) that they preferred articles which focused specifically on self-publishing, and dealt less with irrelevant subjects to the self-publishing experience. We’re going to work very hard in the weeks to come to produce only the finest, most useful material possible, to better enable you to tackle the self-publishing experience yourself.

√ Secondly, you’ll be seeing changes to the ‘news’

That’s right, you voted, and it’s official: our most popular sections, by far, are our Wednesday “In Your Corner” posts and Royalene’s Friday “Conversations” posts. They’re going nowhere. But Mondays? Mondays could use some work. We’re going to brainstorm some ways to make the news more, yes, useful. So hang tight for a couple of weeks as we work our way down the list of possibilities, and you’ll see some updates happening soon.

√ Thirdly, we’re going to update our book reviews

Someone very kindly suggested–and we loved this idea–that we feature some award winners among our book reviews, and we intend to do so! We have a long and storied history with the CIPA EVVY Awards, but if you have any additional suggestions drop us a line in the comments box or go ahead and fill out the survey again.

√ Lastly, some other ideas we loved:

One reviewer suggested we pen some pieces on “where to advertise your book to get the most ‘bang for your buck,’ and we’re going to take this to heart both as we put together our “News” each week (if we spot anything new) and as Elizabeth works on her lineup for her “In Your Corner” posts (for tried and true strategies). Another survey respondent wrote in that we might center some work around the theme “Dig Into Marketing” … and we love that idea, too! In fact, there’s a whole world of possibilities there for us to explore, between these two ideas. They might just have achieved a perfect synthesis!

More soon!

Thank you to all of our readers who have already sent in your responses! If you have ideas which you did not see here, or would like to add additional suggestions, please go ahead and fill out the survey here! We’re only ever going to continue to update our wishlist for places to go and pieces to write, and your feedback really shapes where we go and how we get there. Thanks again!


Thanks for reading!  Keep up with the latest in the world of indie and self-published books by watching this space!

Self Publishing Advisor


A Quick 5 Minute Survey to Serve You Better!

We’d love to hear from you about how we’re doing and what more you’d like to see on Self-Publishing Advisor! After all, we’re here to serve your needs and interests, and we want to ensure we’re delivering material that you need—and enjoy!

Click here to access the survey link

This survey should take around 5 minutes, and responses are completely anonymous.

we want your feedback

Thanks for reading!  Keep up with the latest in the world of indie and self-published books by watching this space!

Self Publishing Advisor


We are under construction!

website under construction

I know, ugh, right? But we have so much in store for you over the coming months and we want to get it right right. So we’re taking a moment to pause and regather our thoughts, to brainstorm new subjects and new ideas to bring to you here on the Self Publishing Advisor blog–from all of our contributors, yes, but especially from our Wednesday time slots. As we’ve mentioned in the past, we’ll be introducing a new contributor in the coming weeks, and we’ll also be tweaking what we have already been doing a little bit as well.

First stop: the survey! We’ll be asking you some questions next week in the form of a brief (5 minutes or fewer) survey as to what content you’ve enjoyed and found useful here on the blog. It will stay open past that week, but we will start using its results to craft our content right away.

Second stop: the changes await! Check back next week as we begin our next stage of evolution! Oh, I know, we’re not Neopets or Chia plants or Pokemon, but we’re still pretty cool. And we want to provide absolutely top-notch material for our self-publishing authors to work with!

Ready your fingers and minds!


Thanks for reading!  Keep up with the latest in the world of indie and self-published books by watching this space!

Self Publishing Advisor


A Very Fond Farewell!

Last week, I hinted that I might have some news to share in my usual bi-weekly Wednesday blog post. Now the time has come to share that news, and I’m anxious. I’m excited. I’m a bundle of emotions!

Simply put, I’m leaving my current position with Outskirts Press and moving on to work closely with my husband, who runs a coffee business. I know, I know … what is it about authors and coffee? In all seriousness, though, I found myself facing some tough decisions–Leave or stay? Work with friends or family?–and found myself excited by the opportunities this new work will give me, as an author and publishing professional.

In short, it’s time.

I’m going to miss everyone! I am grateful to Outskirts Press for providing me years of great experience and opportunity. I’m grateful to have been invited to take part in this blog–I just checked, and my first post went up in August of 2008. Nine years! NINE. That’s amazing. You, dear readers, are amazing. I will miss writing for you, but in ending my work at Outskirts Press I find I must also focus on my private writings, which you can keep up with on my own personal blog (www.kellyschuknecht.com).

In the meantime, keep following the lovely folks here at Self-Publishing Advisor! I’m honored that I got to work with Lisa, Elizabeth, Royalene, and all the authors who came before us on the blog. They have plenty of exciting ideas for the future, and I can’t wait to see what the coming years have in store for the self-publishing industry. ♠

kelly schuknecht

ABOUT KELLY SCHUKNECHT: Kelly Schuknecht is the outgoing Executive Vice President of Outskirts Press. In addition to her contributions to the Outskirts Press blog at blog.outskirtspress.com, Kelly and a group of talented marketing experts offer book marketing services, support, and products to not only published Outskirts Press authors, but to all authors and professionals who are interested in marketing their books and/or careers. Learn more about Kelly on her blog, kellyschuknecht.com

Changes Are Coming to SPA!

Here at Self Publishing Advisor, we’re committed to providing the best possible fodder for your self-publishing journey—as often as we can, and of as high a quality as we can—but sometimes that means we have to introduce a few changes.

Due to some scheduling and workload shifts amidst our dedicated staff, we will be reducing the number of posts per week for the foreseeable future, or until such a time as our various employers are able to bring in more contributors.

Our lineup will be as follows:

Mondays: News from the Self-Publishing World

Tuesdays: Self-Published Book Reviews

Wednesdays: Kelly’s marketing-related posts & Elizabeth’s “In Your Corner” posts (alternating weeks)

Thursdays: Miscellany

Fridays: Royalene will continue to close out the work-week with her stellar “Conversations” posts.

These changes will go into effect as of today, July 24th.
We will update you when we are able to resume our full posting schedule!

Thanks for reading!  Keep up with the latest in the world of indie and self-published books by watching this space and by following us on Facebook and Twitter!

Self Publishing Advisor
