Top Five New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

As you say good-bye to 2011 and welcome in 2012, you may be creating a list of New Year’s Resolutions. The beginning of the year is a great time to make small improvements and take steps towards achieving your dreams. Here are the top five New Year’s resolutions for writers.

1) Write Every Day

I’m sure you’ve heard this advice before, but do you actually follow it? Writers write. Some days, it is only a few sentences. Some days, it is a few pages. But real writers don’t just talk about writing. They actually do it. If you want to get closer to achieving your dreams and improve your writing make an effort to write something every day.

2) Start a Blog

You may be reluctant to start a blog, but social media is a great way to market yourself and your books. A blog gives you a chance to gain a readership before you even publish your book. You can share samples for your work, get feedback from readers or just write about being a writer. In addition to marketing, this is a great way to connect with other writers.

3) Join a Writers’ Group

Writing groups are a great place to get inspiration and feedback. Creative minds often feed off of each other, so reading other people’s work can improve your own. You will also get unbiased advice on what works and what doesn’t in your writing. You can find a group in your area or join one online.

4) Read Tons of Books

The best writers are often avid readers. Read books in your genre as well as books from other genres. Also, look for books and articles about writing, editing and publishing.

5) Publish Your Book

Every writer dreams of publication. Make this the year you do it. Whether you choose to follow the tradition publishing route or pick a self-publishing company, 2012 can be the year you make your dreams come true.

Happy new year!

ABOUT WENDY STETINA: Wendy Stetina is a sales and marketing professional with over 30 years experience in the printing and publishing industry. Wendy works as the Director of Author Services for Outskirts Press. The Author Services Department is composed of knowledgeable customer service reps and publishing consultants; and together, they all focus on educating authors on the self-publishing process in order to help them publish the book of their dreams. Whether you are a professional looking to take your career to the next level with platform-driven non-fiction, or a novelist seeking fame, fortune, and/or personal fulfillment, Wendy Stetina can put you on the right path.

The One Thing Every New Author Should Do

Publishing a book can a be scary process. There are so many decisions that impact the success of your book: cover illustrations, price, distribution channels, marketing efforts, etc. The good news is that you don’t have to make these decisions alone, and you can get helpful advice for free. (Yes, free.) All you have to do is talk to other writers. Most authors will eagerly share their advice and experiences because they understand how confusing the publishing process can be and they know how exciting it is to see your book in print. Here are a few questions you should ask as you begin the publishing process.

What were your goals?

What did you find helpful?

What do you wish you had done differently? The same?

How did you decide to [insert your topic of choice]?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Learn everything you can about their books and publishing experience. It will help you as you make decisions throughout the publishing process.

To find a published writer, look for people in your writing groups or writing classes. You can also reach out to local writers, and ask to talk with them. Most authors will be flattered that you value their opinion and will enthusiastically answer your questions. Good luck!

Since 2005 Cheri Breeding has been working as the Director of Production for Outskirts Press. In that time, she has been an instrumental component of every aspect of the Production Department, performing the roles of an Author Representative, Book Designer, Customer Service Representative, Title Production Supervisor, Production Manager and, Director of Production. She brings all that experience and knowledge, along with an unparalleled customer-service focus, to help self-publishing authors reach high-quality book publication more efficiently, professionally, and affordably.